Kids Aid: The Backpack Program
Kids Aid through The Backpack Program delivers 2,000 bags of food weekly to school-aged children during the course of the school year. During the height of the pandemic, they created an emergency program and partnered with teachers and school district staff to directly deliver meals each week to kids in need. Each bag contains kid-friendly, healthy food to feed a child who may not eat over the weekend. Monument Health is proud to come alongside KidsAid financially and support the important work they do. Learn more about them on their website.

Monument Health launched Your Health is Essential
Monument Health has launched Your Health is Essential to encourage Coloradans who have delayed their medical care and health needs because of COVID-19 to talk to their doctor again and reprioritize their health to get the care they need, when they need it. We want to encourage Coloradans to continue the safe practice of socially distancing, but it is imperative that they prioritize their health care again. With kids back in school and flu season on the horizon, now is the time to prioritize immunizations and influenza vaccinations. Your Health is Essential!